At the Paris Olympics 2024 opening ceremony on July 26, Team India’s athletes will don elegant outfits designed by Tarun Tahiliani. Male athletes will wear a kurta bundi set, while female athletes will sport matching saris inspired by the tricolor flag. Tahiliani, known as the king of drape, has incorporated ikat-inspired prints and Banarasi brocade into these designs, blending traditional craftsmanship with modern aesthetics.
The kurta bundi set is made from lightweight moss cotton for breathability, while the sari is reimagined in viscose crepe for a natural drape and paired with a high-neck blouse. Both outfits feature digitally printed saffron-and-green panels inspired by ikat. Gold trainers embellished with traditional Banaras brocade add a contemporary touch.
Tahiliani emphasized the need for airy and lightweight attire suitable for Paris’s hot July weather. The designs also include the Ashoka Chakra, symbolized by blue buttonholes on an ivory base, representing peace and unity. The breast pocket of the bundi is embroidered with the Olympic logo and the Indian flag.
The outfits reflect the “India Modern” vision, showcasing the evolution of Indian fashion and the fusion of traditional and innovative designs. Tahiliani’s approach was to create attire that is distinctly Indian yet global, making a bold statement at the fashion capital of the world.
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