Diksha Dagar produced the best-ever show by an Indian woman golfer at a Major as she ended the Women’s Open at Tied-21st while compatriot Aditi Ashok signed off at T-40 position. Diksha, a two-time LET winner, who produced a fine effort on the back nine of the second round to make her first cut in a Major two days earlier, closed the week with another superb back-nine show. After a 2-over on the front nine, Diksha was 3-under for the back nine for a 1-under scorecard. With rounds of 74-71-72-71, she totalled even par 288 for four days. Aditi, playing her seventh Women’s Open, shot a second straight 75 to fall to T-40 with rounds of 72-69-75-75. She was T-9 at the halfway stage of the tournament but slipped over the weekend.
Diksha’s result of T-21 was the best-ever by an Indian woman at a Major, bettering T-22 by Aditi at the 2018 Women’s Open. Smriti Mehra finished Tied-sixth in 1998 Women’s British Open at Royal Lytham, when Sherri Steinhauer of the US won the title, but at that time the Women’s British Open was not a Major. It became a Major only in 2001.
Playing her fourth Women’s Open, this was the first time Diksha had made the cut after missing cuts in 2019, 2020 and 2022. This was her sixth Major overall and the first time she had made the cut. Diksha’s purse of USD 84,162 was also the highest of her professional career and it took her back into the Top-5 of the Ladies European Tour’s Race to Costa Del Sol, where Aditi is lying third. Lying T-35 after the third round, Diksha bogeyed fourth and sixth on the front nine and turned in 2-over.
On the back nine, which she had played in par or better on each of the first three days, Diksha found birdies on the 12th, 15th and 17th to bounce back. She also missed a couple of chances
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