Ahead of the Final match of the ODI World Cup 2023 between India and Australia at Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, a special pooja was held at Lord Cricket Ganesh temple in Chennai on Friday. The Lord Ganesh Temple is located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu. In the Cricket Ganesha Temple, the eleven heads represent the eleven members of a cricket team. Meanwhile, the presiding deity has eleven heads, with another two Ganesha idols in batting and bowling postures.
A cricket lover in Chennai has built the ‘Cricket Ganesha’ temple that features idols of Lord Ganesha in several cricketing avatars. Cricket fans often come to the Ganesh temple for prayers ahead of India’s matches. On Friday, a special prayer was held where the founder of the temple, Rama Krishnan, chanted cricket bhajans, which he recites during his pooja.
Speaking to a leading news agency, the founder of the temple, Rama Krishnan, said that every player in the team will be showered with blessings from Lord Ganesha. ‘Lord Ganesha will bless both right-handed and left-handed players equally in the game, whether they’re batsmen or bowlers.’
Unbeaten in the tournament, Team India delivered an all-round performance in the semis against New Zealand to secure their spot in the final game of the tournament.
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