In a tragic incident in Pune, 35-year-old cricketer Imran Patel passed away due to a cardiac arrest while playing at Garware Stadium on Thursday. Imran, who was batting as an opener, began experiencing chest and arm pain after a while on the pitch. He informed the on-field umpires and was allowed to leave the field. However, while walking back to the pavilion, he suddenly collapsed.
The incident was captured on camera as the match was being live-streamed. Fellow players quickly rushed to his aid, and he was promptly taken to the hospital. Sadly, doctors declared him dead upon arrival.
What shocked many was that Imran was known for his excellent physical health. As an all-rounder, he was always active during the match. “He didn’t have a history of any medical condition,” shared Naseer Khan, a fellow cricketer from the match. “He was in good physical condition. In fact, he was an all-rounder who loved the game. We’re all still in shock.”
Imran leaves behind his wife and three daughters, the youngest being just four months old. He was a well-known figure in the area, owning a cricket team, a real estate business, and even a juice shop. This tragic loss comes just months after another cricketer, Habib Shaikh, died similarly during a match in Pune. However, Habib had an underlying condition, being diabetic, which was not the case for Imran.
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