Former India spinner Harbhajan Singh shared his views on seasoned bowler Yuzvendra Chahal’s exclusion from India’s 17-member Asia Cup squad. The veteran spinner Chahal failed to find a spot in the team as India went ahead with three spinners in their squad of 17, with Ravindra Jadeja, Axar Patel and Kuldeep Yadav as the preferred choices. Yuzvendra Chahal, who last featured in an ODI in January this year and was also a part of the squad that toured the West Indies, was left out of the side. Harbhajan believes that a few bad games don’t make the Chahal a bad bowler. “The one thing I feel is lacking in the team is the absence of Yuzvendra Chahal. A leg-spinner who can get the ball to turn away. If you talk about genuine spinner, I don’t think there’s any spinner in India better than Chahal in white-ball formats. Yes, his last few games weren’t good, but that doesn’t make him a bad bowler,” Harbhajan said on his YouTube channel. Chahal’s snub made heads turn, Harbhajan slammed the omission and backed the veteran spinner for the upcoming home ODI World Cup. “I think his presence in the team was necessary. I hope the doors aren’t closed to him. It’s important to consider him for the World Cup because the tournament is in India.
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