The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) on Monday has announced a new disclosure scheme to take strict measures against age fraud. As per the new measures, if players declare that they have manipulated their date of birth, they will not be suspended. Instead, they would then be allowed to participate in the appropriate age-group level tournaments.
The BCCI has provided the time-period of up to 15 September 2020, for the players to voluntarily declare if they committed age-fraud in the past. The apex board for cricket has also started a dedicated 24×7 helpline for anyone to report his/her age fraud.
BCCI president Sourav Ganguly said, “We are committed to providing a levelplaying field across all age groups. The BCCI has been taking steps to counter age fraud and is now introducing even stricter measures from the upcoming domestic season. Those who do not voluntarily disclose their misdemeanor will be punished heavily and will be banned for two years.”
Former Indian captain and Head of Cricket at the NCA Rahul Dravid said, “Age fraud is a serious matter and is detrimental to the health of the sport. Many youngsters who are supposed to be playing in a particular age group fail to make it owing to age fraud. With the BCCI taking stern actions to curb this, it is only advisable for the players to come forward and abide by the directives issued by the Board.”
The BCCI announced, “If registered players do not disclose the facts and are found to have submitted fake/tampered DOB proof documents by BCCI, then they will be severely punished.”
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