The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announces the All-India Senior Selection Committee on Saturday which comprises Sulakshana Naik, Ashok Malhotra, and Jatin Paranjape.

Earlier on 18 November 2022, the BCCI received around 600 applications for the five posts issued on its official website.

“The Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) comprising Ms Sulakshana Naik, Mr Ashok Malhotra, and Mr Jatin Paranjape undertook an extensive process for selecting members of the All-India Senior Selection Committee. The Board received around 600 applications following its advertisement for the five posts issued on its official website on 18th November 2022,” BCCI stated in a media release.

Meanwhile, out of 600 applications the CAC shortlisted 11 individuals for personal interviews.

Moreover, for the Senior Men’s National Selection Committee, the Committee recommended outgoing chief selectors Chetan Sharma, Shiv Sundar Das, Subroto Banerjee, Salil Ankola, and Sridharan Sharath after the interview.

However, for the role of chairman, Chetan Sharma has been selected by the committee for the senior men’s selection committee.

Furthermore, in December the BCCI announced the appointment of a three-member Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) which consists of former cricketers like Ashok Malhotra and Jatin Paranjape alongside Sulakshana Naik.