The Indian cricket board (BCCI) on Tuesday announced a Rs 5 crore bonus for the Indian team following their three-wicket win over Australia in the fourth Test at the Gabba that helped them seal the Border-Gavaskar series 2-1. Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) president Sourav Ganguly and secretary Jay Shah made the announcement in tweets after the end of the match.

“Just a remarkable win…To go to Australia and win a test series in this way…will be remembered in the history of indian cricket forever ..Bcci announces a 5 cr bonus for the team ..The value of this win is beyond any number…well done to every member of the touring party…” said Ganguly in his tweet.

 On Tuesday, the Ajinkya Rahaneled side chased down a target of 328 runs, the third highest target they have chased down in Test history as they became the first team to beat Australia at The Gabba in more than 32 years. “The @BCCI has announced INR 5 crore as team bonus. These are special moments for India cricket.

An outstanding display of character and skill #TeamIndia #AUSvIND #Gabba,” Shah said in his tweet. Australia had won the first Test of the series in Adelaide, while bowling out India with the pink ball for their lowest Test total of 36.