The Indian shooting trio of Manu Bhaker, Esha Singh, and Rhythm Sangwan won the gold medal in the women’s 25 m pistol team competition on Wednesday at the ongoing Asian Games in Hangzhou, continuing their nation’s dominant shooting streak. India earned a total of 1759 points, which was sufficient to win the gold. China earned the silver medal with 1756 points. With a total of 1742 points, South Korea won the bronze. Manu Bhaker set the team’s pace with an outstanding rapid series.

Manu Bhaker finished at the top of the qualification standings in the women’s 25m pistol event, scoring 590. Esha Singh finished 5th with 586 while Rhythm Sangwan came 7th with 583. Their combined score was enough to edge China out by 3 points.

With this, India has won its fourth overall gold medal and seventh shooting medal. In the men’s 10 meter air rifle team event, the trio of Divyansh Singh Panwar, Rudrankksh Patil, and Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar earlier broke the world record. Ashi Chouksey, Ramita Jindal, and Mehuli Ghosh won silver in the women’s 10 m air rifle team as well. A bronze medal was also won by Ramita in the women’s 10 m air rifle individual competition.