Union Minister for Youth Affairs and Sports Kiren Rijiju on Wednesday said any decision that affects Indian athletes will not be acceptable ahead of the Tokyo Olympics. His remarks came as new regulations were put in place by the Japanese government pertaining to entry conditions to Japan affecting 11 countries including India ahead of the Games. “Any decision that adversely affects Indian athletes is not acceptable to us. There should be no discrimination in any form,” Rijiju said to a question from ANI.
Rijiju will also release India’s anthem for Tokyo 2020 Games on Wednesday and the theme is named ‘Cheer for India.’ On the occasion of International Olympic Day, Rijiju also extended his best wishes to all the Olympians of India.“Today there is a program to see off our Olympic team at Nehru Stadium with all covid protocol intact. I will launch the Olympic anthem as well. On Olympic day, I want to extend my best wishes to all Olympians, the Indian Olympic team,” he added.Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took to Twitter and wrote: “In a few weeks, @Tokyo2020 begins. Wishing the very best to our contingent, which consists of our finest athletes. In the run up to the games, here is an interesting quiz on MyGov. I urge you all, specially my young friends to take part.”
In a letter to athletes and other stakeholders on Friday, the Tokyo 2020 organisers announced that there would be an additional set of rules for athletes, officials, and journalists travelling to Tokyo from 11 countries, including India, Pakistan and the United Kingdom, due to the “presence of COVID-19 variants which present a higher level of risk.” An Olympic Mission Cell has been set up in the Embassy of India in Tokyo, as a single-window node to provide logistic support to the Indian contingent bound for Tokyo Games. The Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports has decided to depute maximum additional support staff such as coaches, doctors, physiotherapists, to optimise the performance of the athletes in the upcoming Tokyo Olympics.