Aniket Pote, a Mumbai native, was named captain of the second Ultimate Kho Kho by the Mumbai Khiladis on Sunday. The match is slated to take place in Cuttack, Odisha, from December 24 to January 14, 2024.

One of the most distinguished players on the Kho Kho circuit, the 26-year-old all-rounder/attacker has won gold medals for India, notably for his outstanding showing at the Asian Championship earlier this year. Pote’s inclusion in the Ultimate Kho Kho Dream Team has also been secured by his performance in Season 1.

At the senior nationals, Aniket has won eight gold and five silver medals. He is well-known for his devotion and hard work on the mat, and Mumbai Khiladis, who have made an investment in a youthful and talented side this year, will rely heavily on him.

“Selecting Aniket Pote as our captain for Season 2 was a strategic choice,” club owner Punit Balan, who was present at the announcement event in Bhuwaneshwar, remarked regarding the captain’s pick. He was an obvious pick for this important position because of his outstanding performance in the inaugural edition and the way he showed leadership abilities on the mat. As a native son, he is also aware of Mumbai’s unique character, and we think his background will inspire the squad and lead us to victory in this fiercely contested season.”

“It was an unexpected decision for me, but I am really grateful for getting this opportunity,” said Aniket, the recently named captain, who was delighted about his new responsibilities. I’ll do all in my power to live up to the management’s confidence and lead Mumbai Khiladis to greater success.”