MUMBAI: A biopic has been announced on Indian chess grandmaster Viswanathan Anand, which would be directed by filmmaker Aanand L. Rai. Informing about the same, trade analyst and film critic Taran Adarsh on Sunday tweeted,”BIOPIC ON VISWANATHAN ANAND… A biopic on #Indian chess grandmaster #ViswanathanAnand has been planned… The yet untitled biopic – will be directed by Aanand L. Rai… Produced by Sundial Entertainment [Mahaveer Jain] and Colour Yellow Productions (Aanand L. Rai).”
The five-time world champion celebrated his 51st birthday on 11 December. “Thanks everyone for your wishes. Had a quiet day with my family. Of course it included a chocolate cake (made by Aruna and Akhil),” Anand tweeted from his official Twitter account on Friday. It is not yet finalised, which actor would play the Chess grandmaster in the yet untitled Aanand L. Rai directorial. Commenting on Taran Adarsh’s tweet, netizens suggested names of actors who they feel are best suited to portray Viswanathan Anand on screen. WITH IANS INPUTS
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