There are many reasons why it is desirable to follow a path of spirituality. Spirituality in one’s life brings a multitude of benefits; a sense of calm, an ability to manage adversity that each one has to face, and more harmonious relationships. However, the ultimate aim of spirituality is to return to the purest state of being, the original state of being of the soul.

We know if we are coming close to that original state if we can truthfully say that we see no evil in anyone or anything, we speak no evil of anyone, we do no evil deed to anyone, including the self, and ultimately, we think no evil — our thoughts are of the most elevated kind.

It is quite easy to check. The most impure behaviour is of those who have so much anger and animosity that it is directed to everyone, not only those close to them. Those who only want to harm and demonstrate some misguided understanding of what power is.

The middling kind of behaviour is of those who deal in good for good and evil for evil. Like a spiritual businessman they give tit for tat; return good deeds with good deeds and bad deeds with bad deeds and feel justified in doing so. Their lives are often full of hypocrisy; they smile sweetly and sometimes behave well, but in their hearts are animosity, anger, jealousy, dislike, criticism and judgement and condemnation.

The purest kind of behaviour is of those with a natural sweet and loving nature towards all. They only see the good in everyone and everything, while understanding that those who behave differently simply lack spiritual power. Their thoughts are elevated, they have good wishes for all and have no fear, because they are a friend to all.

To attain this level of purity requires the understanding of truth, through spiritual study, great cleanliness of mind through a daily connection in meditation with the Supreme Being, and a dedication to the eradication of all the vices; anger, greed, lust, attachment and ego. It is not a path for everyone, it is not everyone who desires to return to that level of purity, but anyone can walk along it — it just takes the first step and then wonders are revealed.

B.K. Dr Nirmala is the director of Brahma Kumaris Rajyoga centres in the Asia-Pacific region.