God does so much, yet He is beyond the feeling of doing. He does not think, yet still you can say that He thinks. That is His wonderful personality. We cannot become God, because His part is unique. But as His children, we can become like Him. And this is all God wants us to […]


God does so much, yet He is beyond the feeling of doing. He does not think, yet still you can say that He thinks. That is His wonderful personality. We cannot become God, because His part is unique. But as His children, we can become like Him. And this is all God wants us to do.

God is very happy to see us making the effort to become like Him. When we are not making this effort, He does not like it at all. This is because He is not just our Mother and Father, but He is our Teacher as well. A teacher is never happy when the students do not study well.

God has given us understanding, made us belong to Him and is sustaining us in such a way that we are becoming like Him. Of course, there is a great difference between the Supreme Soul and other souls, but still it is not difficult to become like Him.

The more we can become like God and serve, the more we can become truly accurate instruments for His task. Then we can enjoy His company even more.

God wants us to become like Him, and we want to become like God, so the desire of both parties is being fulfilled.
