What is true love?

Modern love has come out of the heart and gone into the head. This is why we have headaches, because the head instead of the heart has started to look for love. The poor heart has lost love and is unhappy. Whatever the age, young or old – even small children – everybody is looking […]

What is true love?

Modern love has come out of the heart and gone into the head. This is why we have headaches, because the head instead of the heart has started to look for love. The poor heart has lost love and is unhappy.

Whatever the age, young or old – even small children – everybody is looking for love. If we go inside ourselves, it is there we will discover what love is. If we look for it externally, we will need to keep on looking because we will find only deception and sorrow. We have to go inside to look for love.

People have lost faith in love. First, there was the search to experience the unconditional love of God. When this was unsuccessful, faith in God was lost. As people then searched for love from each other, still without success, faith in love was lost.

There is a lot of misunderstanding about love. True love is not selfish love. The sign of selfish love is that a relationship will finish if we do not receive what we desire. Today there is selfishness within every kind of relationship, of mother and child or husband and wife. Selfish love always appears as one thing on the outside but is completely different on the inside. Deception like this has made the heart very unhappy. Whatever love was there has turned to hate.

When we end up feeling threatened by a relationship, unsure of where it is going to take us, our love will turn to hate. Many believe they have found true love, only to discover later that they have been deceived. Because there is no more honesty in the heart, the heart is broken.
