When we are caught up in a dilemma, we tend to do one of three things. Either we sit and stew about it or we jump into action, without thinking at all or worst of all, we sit frozen in indecision. What is needed to reduce the anxiety and confusion in any predicament, large or small, is clarity. The seed of clarity is twofold. First, we need information or knowledge about the bigger picture, a 360-degree view, and secondly, on a spiritual level, we need to develop our awareness.

This two-part seed then grows into confidence where we have no more doubts or questions. We understand exactly what we have to do. It is confidence tempered with humility because ego will always steal away any clarity. We must also have no bias, no taking sides because bias also blurs the truth. This confidence is based on an inner knowing, trust and faith that whatever I do will ultimately work out in the right way and for the benefit of all concerned.

So, what is the kind of information we need that gives us a 360-degree view? On a practical, physical level, we will need some basic information about who or what is involved. However, the most important knowledge is spiritual. Whatever is happening and whoever is involved, the understanding that all of us are spiritual beings, taking part in a monumentally intriguing and wonderful movie, on this field of action, is a key component to having full clarity. The second part of the equation is to develop a deep awareness of the self. We all play so many roles, even in this one body that we occupy now. We are born in a certain culture, adopt the traditions of that culture and become totally absorbed in that identity. We cannot have total clarity if we are carrying the baggage of this physical identity. There is an identity which is higher than any of the roles we play. Through regular, daily meditation, we can develop the awareness of being the soul within the role, and then there is clarity. The soul is intrinsically pure, full of peace, love, joy and wisdom. When we are deeply in this awareness, then any actions or decisions can only turn out well.

However, our connection with God, the Supreme Soul is crucial, especially in times of great difficulty. We need our relationship with God because this is the absolute source of strength. If I understand and feel that my mind, intellect, talents and abilities have been given by God, then I will want to use them in the way that they were intended, when given, as a gift, for the benefit of humanity. Late Dadi Janki, who was Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris, always told us that the easy way to deal with any quandary or difficulty is to ask me three questions: Who am I? Who do I belong to? What do I need to do now? Three simple questions, with three deep answers, give us the knowledge and awareness to deal with anything at all.

Maureen Goodman is the Programme Director for the Brahma Kumaris UK, and BK NGO representative to the United Nations in Vienna.