When we acquire spiritual knowledge there is great happiness — but the knowledge that remains only as ‘knowing’ is not really of much value. The value lies in being able to apply that knowledge in my everyday life; to any problems and issues that arise or in any crisis I may face. No matter who we are, we all have difficulties in life and spiritual knowledge is the way to make our journey easier.

There should be no need to consider what to do or say when a problem arises. The understanding should be in a natural form so that at any time or moment in any situation my actions will be a natural, perfect response to any situation. We should not have to think if this is the right thing to do or not — every step should be according to spiritual principles.

For someone who is spiritually knowledgeable the answers will come naturally. This does not mean there should be tension and seriousness in a life where spirituality is practised. Knowledge brings the lessening of worry and makes life enjoyable. Anything can happen to anyone, at anytime and anywhere. Who can tell what tomorrow may bring? So, our consciousness is very important. True knowledge brings joy and also prepares us for anything that may happen.

A spiritual journey should be enjoyable, and spiritual endeavours should be easy, based on understanding and by taking power through meditation. Our face should shine with happiness and reflect that inner understanding. Our actions should reflect the attainments we have accumulated from our spiritual study. It should be obvious from one’s humility and kindness that this one understands spiritual principles and is putting them into their life.

This means that the consciousness, attitude and thoughts inside are pure and full of good wishes for everyone. This attitude springs from the awareness that I am a soul, and those I meet are souls, the children of the Supreme Soul, the Father. This consciousness of being a soul and not the body, takes practice but the rewards are great; happiness, a peaceful mind and a carefree personality.

Sometimes we make spiritual effort and these rewards do not seem to appear. Just as a seed has a period of incognito growth before becoming a plant or tree, in the same way no effort of a spiritual nature is ever wasted. It is absolutely certain that as I make one small endeavour after another, no matter how small, these honest steps towards a pure and peaceful mind will yield the desired results.

BK Chandru administers Brahma Kumaris centres in the western region of the United States and is based in San Francisco.