The Ten Dimensions

According to the Puranas, we live in the third dimension of this cosmic sea, and the 4th dimension is the time which keeps on changing after death person enters into the 4th dimension of the space and they can be able to see the 3D space but can not do anything or can not affect […]

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The Ten Dimensions

According to the Puranas, we live in the third dimension of this cosmic sea, and the 4th dimension is the time which keeps on changing after death person enters into the 4th dimension of the space and they can be able to see the 3D space but can not do anything or can not affect it but can see how the world is changing, and those who do evil work they descend into pret yoni (explained in Srimad Bhagavatam). As per Rigveda, there are several other details which are very intense and can be understood by erudite people, as most of us can not trust the thing which we can not see but beyond our imagination, there are things which can not be visible but exists.
Coming to the 5th Dimension which acts as the middle planet which accompanies with the lower and higher planet it coincides with Swargloka, Tapaloka, Satyaloka etc, and some lower planets are Pataal Loka, Attalaloka, Vitalaloka, Sutala, Rasaatala, Talatal, Mahatal, Naraka etc. All these lokas are being looked after by Lord Vishnu who resides in Garbhodaka ocean.
But as per the String theory or Rigveda, there are several universes which is floating in the cosmic sea or KARANA Ocean, So this Multiverse is looked after by Lord Maha Vishnu, Who resides in the 6th Dimension. It is said that all the universe in the KARANA ocean rests on the cowl of anant shesh. Those who attend Moksh that is a transcendental realization which means getting rid of the vicious cycle of death and rebirth is said to be in 7th dimension (Brahma Jyoti) that means they can see all those in the descending dimensions. Brahma Jyoti is the connecting link between higher lokas like vaikuntha loka, Goloka etc. So those who are in 7th D they can move beyond according to their virtuous deeds.
The 8th dimension is said to be the dwelling place of Lord Shiva the God of destruction. Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati along with Lord Ganesha live in Kailash in Shiva Puran it is explained how to get there. The 9th dimension is known as Vaikuntha Dhama, and here Lord Vishnu exists in the avatar of Narshimha and Varaha, even narayana multiform exists.
The 10th dimension and the final dimension which is the dwelling place of Supreme God is known as Madhurya Dham occupied by sweetness. Madhurya Dham is again predominated by 5 sub-level this fourfold is the abode of Lord Krishna who is in four forms in this dimension that is pradyumn, Vasu dev, Aniruddha, Sankaran. The second sub-level is Ayodhya Dham which is also known as the dwelling place of Lord Ram where devotees of Lord Ram live, Even Lord Hanuman got the offer to be there as supreme but he refused and stay-back to mrityuloka for spreading spirituality of Ram bhakti and belief among the material world. The third sub-level is Dwarka Dham and 4th level is Mathura Dham it is the abode of Lord Krishna devotee, those who are immensely devoted to Lord Krishna live there, and it is far more than attending moksh, as those who live there are a true and pure devotee of Lord Krishna, who is extremely dedicated towards Lord Krishna.
The fifth sub-level of this 10th dimension is the dwelling place of Supreme Lord Krishna himself which is known as Goloka Dham. In Bhagwat Puran, it is explained that Lord Krishna expanded himself in the form of Vishnu and Lord Vishnu incarnated himself in the several avatars. But Lord Krishna took birth in his own form as a supreme Lord and he doesn’t have only one specific duty. Lord Krishna is the manifestation of perpetuity.

The trailing path to Goloka:
Not everyone aware about the riddle of the truth which is under the veil of precious Puranas, vedas, sanghitas and religious write-ups. According to puranas it is very rigorous and tough to get the 10th dimension which is known as Goloka, it is said that Brahma loka the abode of Lord Brahma is full of all pleasure which is incomprehensible but still the Lord Brahma has a material body, which gets old, sick and eventually dies, but a lifetime is very long which can not be imagined, but Goloka is beyond this. It is written in Bhagwat puran that the soul who lives in Goloka can never return to any descending lokas. In 8th adhaye of Bhagwat Gita, it is mentioned that Goloka is the place where there is eternity, it is beyond moksh and never be annihilated. Those who chant the maha mantras, their did’s become pious. The Maha-mantra is ( Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare , Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare). Even in Govinda Damodar Strotam, it is written that those who keep chanting the divine name (Hey Govind Damodar Madhav, Hey Ram Raghunandan Raghav) Lord himself open the door of help for his devotees. For reaching Golok Dham in 8th adhaye of Bhagwat Gita it is mentioned that when our soul is about to depart and we call the name of Krishna then that departing soul reaches 10th dimension automatically but if we keep giving commands to our brain to chant the pious name then only this can happen with our departing soul because at that very time it is extremely tough to remember the almighty, a story is also mentioned in Bhagwat Puran that a person was calling his son whose name was Narayana, before dying and Lord called him at his abode. So there is no any ritual no tough work and deep meditation to reach Goloka. Those who are karm yogi and does his virtuous work can also attain Goloka.
The author is Iskcon,Inc Communication Director and SM IT head
