Conviction is the mirror of faith. If faith simply exists as an occasional awareness, it does not provide much power, nor is it visible in our life. However, when it takes the form of a firm conviction, it is reflected in our words and deeds, and others can clearly see it. Faith remains merely an […]


Conviction is the mirror of faith. If faith simply exists as an occasional awareness, it does not provide much power, nor is it visible in our life. However, when it takes the form of a firm conviction, it is reflected in our words and deeds, and others can clearly see it.

Faith remains merely an intellectual quality if it is confined to rumination and discussion; when it is translated into action, it adds value to life. An elevated awareness bears fruit when it becomes the basis of our thoughts, words, actions and relationships.

A strong conviction is revealed by our face and behaviour. The proof of conviction is confidence and happiness. Conviction can be of many kinds. On the spiritual path, when we work on the self to improve the quality of our thoughts, feelings and actions, conviction based on recognition of our true identity – that I am a pure, peaceful soul – helps a great deal.

The conviction that I am naturally virtuous – not ‘I wish to be’, or ‘I will become’ virtuous – awakens the soul’s intrinsic qualities of purity, peace, love, truth, and power. When we live by these virtues and they inform our thinking and activity, they are strengthened, much the same way as muscles develop with use. This spiritual growth, in turn, raises our confidence in the success of our efforts.

If we have faith but no happiness, the reason is lack of conviction. Conviction easily makes us forget old weaknesses and grow out of them. On the path of self-improvement, old habits often become hurdles. Bad company can be given up, but it is not so easy to get rid of bad habits.

The method to change one’s habits is to develop a strong conviction about the new path one has chosen. When we have such conviction in the practical form, and not just in the mind, old ways of thinking will not crop up repeatedly and distract us.

Why do old thought patterns not change? We tell ourselves, “I understand everything”, and we recognise the need to change. However it all remains at the level of awareness and is not put into action. To be real, self-improvement has to be visible in our life and not just remain an idea. Our attitude, vision and bearing reflect our state of mind and generate the vibrations that people experience from us.

Some people claim that they wish to keep a low profile and not show off their spiritual attainments. But it is said that no one can hide the sun; no matter how thick the clouds, the sun still gives some light. Similarly, those with strong spiritual convictions cannot remain hidden. The sparkle on their face, their vibrations automatically attract others. These vibrations shield them and those around them from all kinds of negativity.

B.K. Atam Prakash is a Rajyoga teacher at the Brahma Kumaris headquarters in Mount Abu, Rajasthan.
