Many believe that any forward or onward movement implies progress. That, progress is a law of nature, and that we are consequently building awareness and strength as we move in a forward direction. Within that is the implication that there is built-in improvement in the human condition. This is especially convincing in the world of technology. Technology is clearly getting more advanced. However, we are inadvertently creating a world where the problems that are created through these advances, are beyond our ability to solve. Neither is there the political will to do so, for fear of short-term losses and instability. The rise of science and industry has also brought in its wake the diminishing of religious teachings and moral guidance. The urge to progress and the continual wanting of more and more, becomes what is termed the ‘Progress Trap’, and this can prevent real progress. The refinement of weaponry is an excellent example. We have ‘progressed’ so far in terms of armaments that we can now blow up our own world!

Research has shown that the brain is wired for short-term interest rather than long-term goals. If we want to truly progress then we have to inhibit this instinct for instant gratification, instant reward, and use the intelligence, that we must surely be capable of, to reason and think differently. We need to use long-term strategies and thinking patterns to progress, both in our individual lives and for the world in general.

Thought patterns are the foundation, or the seeds, of progress. The seeds that we plant now will bear fruit, but as any gardener knows, the seed has to be of the highest quality if it is to withstand all the obstacles that may arise in the blossoming process. The highest thought patterns are based in spirituality. Spirituality is the key to the real progress of humanity. Our physical world is temporary. The body is temporary as are the roles we play and the scenes that pass in front of our eyes. We are not temporary. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. When we really take time to understand this deeply, then we can play the game of life well and have wise and more far-sighted strategies in place, because we are no longer motivated by instant gratification.

We are like actors on a huge stage. There is no point in looking for security within the theatre because everything in a theatre is temporary. True progress is holding this broader perspective. When we engage in meditation, in those beautiful quiet times of inner contemplation, we access that which is permanent: the security of the eternal peace of the soul, the depth of belonging and spiritual happiness. Value lies in that which is permanent. We can let the mind feel this sense of security for moments during the day, and these moments will grow and affect our long-term vision. Spiritual progress is learning to stay in this destination in the mind, to experience the original nature of the self, the perfection of the soul.

Sarah FitzGerald is an interior designer, English language teacher, and Rajyoga teacher with the Brahma Kumaris, in Cambridge, UK.