There is a popular expression in most languages: ‘I am my own best friend or my own worst enemy’. One of the meanings is that, though challenges may exist, I make them difficult according to my consciousness. This is especially true with regard to the practice of Rajyoga meditation.

Some people just give up after several unsuccessful attempts to meditate. They may think that the method does not work, without considering the possibility that their consciousness is not able to work properly. In Brahma Kumaris, we learn that if the method is correct, there is success in terms of spiritual power.

To be an easy Rajyogi, the first thing I need to do is substitute the word yoga or meditation with remembrance. Basically, I just have to remember two things: I am a soul, and my original qualities are peace, love, happiness, truth and purity.

As a spiritual being, I automatically have a connection with the source of spiritual power or God. Through remembering my relationship with him I can experience His qualities as Father, Mother, Teacher, True Guide (Satguru), Beloved and Friend.

Unfortunately, we complicate this understanding by intellectualising instead of experiencing. Almost 40 years ago, one of my first Rajyoga teachers told me that I needed two things in order to be a successful meditator. I needed knowledge in order to make a bridge between the soul and God, and I needed love in order to cross it. If I just have knowledge but not that real love for Him, the whole exercise becomes very dry. If I just have love then I can only experience a sort of distant appreciation without actually being able to come close.

The whole objective of Rajyoga meditation practice is to not only access my original qualities with God’s help, but to actually make sure that they become more present in my day-to-day activities.

Instead of reacting to situations and people from the limited ego perspective, I learn to interact with them from those deep inner qualities. In that way, I truly become my own best friend.

Ken O’Donnell is an author and the director of Brahma Kumaris’ services in South America.