Who came first?
The first question when it comes to the title is one of who came first the chicken or the egg. In the 1970s a reporter claimed that the body is just a bag of chemicals. ISKCON’s founder Srila Prabhupada told him will he be able to create life if he is given the bag of chemicals.
So, AI could not come by chance. It’s a product of a living being.

Let’s leave this discussion.
The ancient Vedic Text have taught us the principal of Yukata vairagya i.e., using everything in the service of the Lord. This it says is real renunciation and detachment.
This will save our time from unnecessary debate of who came in first. Let’s learn to accept the change in our lives. How did we learn to accept the change when computers came in. There was so much hue and cry about losing jobs etc. What happened. We all know.
Then the cell phone revolution swept us. Today we cannot live without it for a moment.

So, what’s the lesson.
We are not the controllers. We have no control over what happens to us, but we have a control over how we can respond to what happens to us. Splitting the word RESPONSIBILITY gives you RESPONSE + ABILITY. The ability to respond.
On one had technology has made our lives easier but on the other hand has made it busier.
But again, we are to be blamed. We choose to respond that way. We should not allow us to become slaves of technology but use it to ease our lives so that we have time for enquiry into higher aspects of life. The choice should be yours’s and not your addictive mind’s choice.
What has tech done to our personal lives. Has it made us deeper, loving, dependent on God, peaceful, healthier, happier? Has it given us more free time? Really? Are we using that free time in deepening our relationship with God.

Why do I need to connect to the Real Intelligence, The Universal Intelligence.
The heart pumps in 2000 gallons of blood daily, the body has innate intelligence to heal itself, there is a complex machinery of millions of tissues, cells that function to digest our food etc. and perform so many functions. All this happens with Lord seated in the heart as Paramatma being a witness it. His intelligence permeates all the universe.
If we recognize this intelligence and what our connection with this intelligence is we can navigate our life peacefully knowing our Source, our identity as to who we are i.e., part and parcel of this Divine Intelligence, who is conscious, aware and responds.
If this intelligence is all knowing, responsive, loving, caring then why would you fear. You would have a vast resource of loving help and guidance that would make you thrive not survive. Lord Krishna in the B Gita’s concluding verses says, “If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditional life by My grace”
So, imagine the excitement to interact and take guidance from this intelligence. Surrendering to it. This Real Intelligence is a person and knows past present and future. We are limited with limited intelligence. But if we recognize and connect this larger intelligence you are now connected to a super house. When Lord is your partner make your plans big.
So, what do we do with AI
Let’s accept the fact – AI is already operating in so many areas of our life. Right…. All things SMART is run on AI.
There is a bright side and dark side to computers, Cell Phone and AI as well.
By choosing our responses to make life easier and not slaves we can make it brighter. Then the question remains about the misuse of ChatGPT for drafting etc.
Well misuse has remained for centuries. Was misuse of resources not prevalent say a hundred years back. It speaks of that person’s integrity and both karmic laws and laws of the land would take care.
Focus on investing in yourself to make you stronger with Divine connection that nothing outside disturbs you. You are aware of the massive intelligence that you are connected to. The easiest way to connect to this person intelligence is through maha mantra. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

The author is a Trustee and leads the “Transcend” project, the world’s largest Audio and e-Book app initiative.