Spiritual growth is a journey, and it is dependent on the experiences, either momentary or prolonged, of spiritual awareness, or it could be called enlightenment. These experiences are essential for growth and yet sometimes we do not even acknowledge them, or they pass us by, unexplored. Sometimes of course, they have an extraordinary impact, and instantly move us forward on our journey.

Spiritual enlightenment has a purpose; it is for the introduction to the soul, the real being, the loving and peaceful self. It is also for the union of the soul with the Supreme Soul. In this connection the soul is free from fear, darkness and pain. Finally, it is for the realisation of the role I play on this world stage, the drama of the circle of life.

So, we need to make ourselves open to and aware of the moments of spiritual enlightenment that come our way, often based on the efforts we make, but often like a powerful gift and message, unasked for.

When we are open and become aware of these moments, or even the sustained experiences in meditation, we need to be curious about what is happening. We need to explore the experience, initially on the level of thought.

For example, there may be the thought that I am experiencing deep peace of a kind different from that which I have been aware of before. Then I can absorb this thought into a deep feeling of peace and let it emanate from me, as this is what I really am. I become that experience.

Once the soul begins to have experiences of this kind and becomes aware of its own light and power, then there is a growing understanding of the source of all spiritual energy, the Supreme Soul, God.

This awareness deepens the connection, in meditation, with that being, the Parent, the Teacher, the Guide, and the deeper and more frequent the connection, the more the experiences of enlightenment and the more the spiritual growth.

Experiences of enlightenment then, bring the realisation of the soul, of God, the Supreme Soul, and the further, the understanding of the role the soul plays. I realise I am an actor on this world stage. The body is the costume, and the director is the Supreme Soul. Then I become a true star of light and peace.

Gayatri Naraine represents the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations in New York.