What is spirituality? Spirituality is the reality of my existence, as a spirit. In this consciousness I understand the body of the soul to be of light, and then the mind of the soul will also be light.

The soul, the point of light, also has organs to function. As a soul, I am expressing, experiencing through the sense organs of the body. As a soul, I also use my spiritual organs, and they are my mind, my intellect and my subconscious thinking habits.

When I am soul conscious, how will my organs be used? How will I think? I will think pure, positive, powerful and loving thoughts, which will then naturally be expressed through my words. This reality is real and of the highest level. This reality is purity. With the eye of the mind, with the light of knowledge, I see the self as a soul, the light. I will not see darkness.

Spirituality becomes reality when I become pure. Purity is truth, and that is what we are seeing in soul consciousness. This pure consciousness will only see divinity. Divinity only sees truth. What is wrong and weak does not belong to me.

In soul consciousness, instead of correction, comparison and criticism, the internal divinity only gives as a bestower, and their vision is always divine. So, with the reality that you are not the body, you express yourself naturally as a soul. You believe, you see, you think and behave as a soul.

With a soul-conscious vision, we always see the qualities within the souls in others. When we begin to see these qualities, we begin to fill the qualities of others within ourselves and become all virtuous.

Virtues are not just a list. Every thought and every action can be connected with a virtue. We can pick up virtues from everyone in every situation. Some only see others with many defects, many weaknesses, and there are others who, from the many weaknesses, pick up good qualities and virtues. We can develop virtues by picking up the virtues of others.

When we become all virtuous, we will become so powerful that the vices of others cannot attack us. Virtues protect us against the vices of others. We become viceless as well as vice-proof.

For example, when we have patience, if an angry person comes in front of us, with lightness, we have a vision of spiritual love and mercy for the other person, we become detached from the other person’s behaviour and eventually the situation is transformed without any negative effect on the self. Soul conscious awareness is the key to beautiful relationships with everyone in our lives.

B.K. Sudesh is director of the Brahma Kumaris’ services in Europe.