Believe in yourself – You are changing each and every moment and will continue to do so in future. Change is a law of nature. By being willing to let go of what no longer works, I am able to remain free from comparison and competition. When I recognize my eternal identity and uniqueness, that I am a soul, and not the body, I am able to be in the state of self-respect, of knowing who I am, and remain content and peaceful. I become enthused to use this new identity, so there is a constant experience of happiness and progress.

What you believe is what you achieve
Beliefs are fixed ways of looking at reality. Thus, the world we perceive is created by our own mind. Along the way, we have become deaf and blind, spiritually, towards the world. To heal this, we do not have to remove each incorrect belief one after the other, which may become a difficult task. We have to rediscover the pure, original internal self, the soul, and start seeing everything from its point of view. As a result, gradually our incorrect beliefs start dissolving and correct beliefs start setting in, based on our new and clean spiritual view.

Believe in God and God’s love
Healing and revitalisation are natural processes, and are to be used and accelerated when we begin to ‘listen in’ to our inner being. Now being aware of my original eternal identity of being a soul, a spiritual being of light, separate from the body, I become deeply connected with God. Belief in God and God’s love brings out the best from within. God’s love becomes a source of inspiration and power, of pure energy to connect me with my innate beauty. When I experience this love, it becomes easy to feel the innate qualities of peace and purity I have within me. Thus, I find that I am able to maintain this inner beauty under all circumstances, and not be influenced by situations or people. We become aware that when someone is behaving badly towards us, it could be more to do with what they are going through, and less about us. However, it presents a good opportunity to reflect if, in fact, we have behaved well towards them, not just in our words and behaviour, but in our thoughts too.

Old habits can be changed
Consciously performing a good action after I have done something wrong helps remove negative feelings of guilt and remorse. In the same way that we can record over the existing record in an audio cassette, the new good action replaces the old recording of regret. In this way we can change unwanted beliefs and habits. We cannot afford to hold a single wrong belief. Society spreads limiting beliefs like: ‘Anger is necessary’, ‘Happiness is in achievements’, ‘Stress is natural,’ ‘People and situations affect my mood’, and so on. For example, if we believe anger is necessary, we will use it repeatedly. Then, even if we want to be peaceful, it is not possible. Anger is damaging. Love is the way to get things done. Let us replace layers of incorrect beliefs with empowering ones. We can remind ourselves to evaluate every belief and adopt what is beneficial and keeps us happy, healthy and in harmony.

Chirya Risely is a Rajyoga meditation teacher, based at the Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Center, USA.