“Be a helper of God. Be loving and compassionate. Be a healer for the world. Be a guide to the Light.” Dadi Janki

Fifty years ago, scientists began alerting us all to the signs they were cataloguing, as they began to understand what was really happening, and the danger that the planet was in. Fifty years on and the crises they predicted are now more than looming on the horizon, they are being experienced, in one form or another, by every individual on earth. The statistics are alarming, and they come from across the globe, from the poles, from the ocean, from the land. The rise in temperature brings in its wake melting ice caps, diminishing rainfall, and massive forest fires. The repercussions are immense, because we are reaching the boundaries of what the resources on the planet can provide. We are using and taking resources from the earth faster than they can be replenished. Those in power thought that money and technology could fix the problem – they could not. Because we are all bound and connected to the weather patterns, this environmental crisis is also a crisis of humanity. So, humanity as a whole must begin to behave and think in a different way.

So, what can we do? Well, just as in our personal lives, when a crisis arrives, we can adopt a variety of attitudes towards it. We can panic, we can deny that it is happening, or we can see it as an opportunity, a chance, for changing the way we are living our lives. This crisis of humanity is sending signals, ringing alarm bells and saying that our lifestyle is not right, our economic model is not right, our mindset is not right – so we must change. Some have already heard these bells, recognised the signals, and so, change is already in the air and things are beginning to shift.

Practically there are five steps we can take:

1. Raise awareness and consciousness – talk about it

2. Drastically change our lifestyle – consume less

3. Reduce our carbon footprint – think before we travel

4. Use renewable energy sources – solar power and wind power

The fifth step is of a spiritual nature. Anyone who has attended a coaching session in a business setting knows very well that the first thing the coach says is that it is vital to stay positive and optimistic. The mindset of optimism is fundamental to a positive outcome. This basis for positive change is now backed up by scientific research. In quantum physics research, scientists, to their amazement, discovered that matter is affected by thought, and the kind of thoughts the mind thinks. They found that it is the intention in the mind that influences physical reality, in one direction or another. Our thoughts and vision create the shape of reality.

So now consider the way we look at and think about the world. Sometimes we are angry and feel hopeless, negative, pessimistic, upset, and we continue to complain and criticise. Therefore, we create that kind of an energy field around us, and we are emanating that into the plants, the air, everything around us – transmitting our ‘intention’. The world we have today is the one we have had in our consciousness transmitting our intention. That is how powerful our consciousness is.

So, the question remains, what kind of world do we want? Because science is telling us that we can have the world we want, by changing our mindset. By changing our emotions and feelings, by making our intent based on love, and peace and harmony – this will affect our physical reality. Our inner world and the outer world are interconnected.

The most powerful thoughts are created in meditation. Science considers meditation to be almost miraculous! A great deal of research has been done into the effects of meditation. Not only have they done a multitude of brain scans, but also documented changes in behaviour and habits. Meditation has been shown to increase social competence, deepen relaxation and improve health, increase brains cells and brain cell activity, and has demonstrated changes in habits and awareness. Love will play a fundamental role in the transition the world is to go through. Love and compassion are the key components of all of the changes we need to make. What you think matters – imagine your perfect world, and it will materialise.

Golo J. Pilz is Advisor, Renewable Energy, to the Brahma Kumaris, and President of India Care Trust, Germany.