As another year filled with uncertainty and unwonted situations comes to a close, perhaps it is time to consider that there might be another way of journeying through the year to come. Perhaps it is time to let this coming year bring a life full of selfless thoughts. Let me be full of gratitude and […]


As another year filled with uncertainty and unwonted situations comes to a close, perhaps it is time to consider that there might be another way of journeying through the year to come. Perhaps it is time to let this coming year bring a life full of selfless thoughts. Let me be full of gratitude and contentment. Let me look around me each day and see how much I have to be grateful for. Let me go into this New Year with full responsibility, for my thoughts, words and actions. Let me understand that I can have whatever I want, I can hate whoever I want, but there are repercussions for everything I think and say and do, and these are inescapable.

Let us learn to put a full stop, sooner rather than later. Every sentence has a full stop. Every chapter has a full stop. Let us learn to put a full stop to waste thoughts of worry, anxiety, blame and fear. Let me learn how to develop deep contentment with the people I am with, and give and share with an open-heartedness, rooted in love. In other words, let go of resentment and discord and have a full acceptance of what is happening to me and for me.

Let us find ways to make life simple. Simplification is beautiful. Let us think less, speak less, and do less. If we think less, it brings greater peace of mind, and peace of mind in its turn brings clarity and power. Let us find ways to reduce all that makes us feel heavy and burdened and start to let happiness have a chance to grow.

We create our reality from the inside out, so we need to fill ourselves inside with what we wish to see manifest outside.

Every faith talks about remembering God. Let me find ways to re-connect with the remembrance of God. That connection will influence me in such wonderful ways and fill me with energy and power. If I can stay positive, I stay powerful and not only am I able to deal with those circumstances that are not so welcome, but I am also able to create the life I want.

Perhaps it is time to do just that; create the life we all want and make this New Year a truly happy one, one that we have used our own powerful thoughts to create and appreciate. May the New Year be full of good wishes and pure feelings for everyone—is that possible? All we have to do is to believe.

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Aruna Ladva is an author and the director of Rajyoga meditation centres in Kuwait and Egypt.
