Magical tools for self-empowerment

Power is derived from energy. There are myriad forms of energy in the physical world; water, air, sun, electricity, all of which can be used to create, sustain, and even destroy if used unwisely. Powerful people exude an energy that makes others want to be around them. They, in turn, pursue the power; invest in […]

Magical tools for self-empowerment

Power is derived from energy. There are myriad forms of energy in the physical world; water, air, sun, electricity, all of which can be used to create, sustain, and even destroy if used unwisely. Powerful people exude an energy that makes others want to be around them. They, in turn, pursue the power; invest in their sports prowess, their physical beauty or their special talents. However, when their power begins to wane, then without inner spiritual power, they are bereft. Spiritual power is based on qualities, and comes from within. It is replenished from a supreme source of energy and can accumulate. This is true empowerment. Even If I do have worldly power in a certain area, but lose my temper or my peace of mind when things do not go my way, then how powerful am I really?
Each one of us has an ‘inner yogi’ that we can activate. With that switch of consciousness, we are then able to access a connection with the ultimate spiritual source of all power. We can do this on three levels – a short-term boost, a medium-term achievement, and a long-term investment. The soul is energy and has a frequency that can be high or low. If the frequency is high, then the energy I am producing is positive and powerful, and if it is low, then there is a weakening, a shrinking, and energy is being spent. It is through the quality of thought that we can maintain our own high frequency. The more we have elevated, powerful, benevolent thoughts, the higher the frequency. When we eat food, we convert that food into energy. If we eat healthy, good quality food, then the body becomes empowered. It is the same for spiritual energy.
Meditation is like preparing a special dish to empower the soul. Thoughts transform into energy of a high frequency. When we meditate, we create a connection through powerful thoughts to the source of all spiritual power, the Supreme Soul. Then the current of energy will start flowing and accumulating. As we contemplate on powerful thoughts, we receive a boost – a short-term boost, of realisation. The ‘ah-ha’ moments or the ‘wow’ moments, when I realise things I had never thought about before, I have a new awareness. In the medium-term I begin to understand the dynamic between my own new awareness and my attitude as I interact with others. I begin to observe, in a detached way, how I am behaving, and can gain great insights into what needs to change. The ability to love on a spiritual level, for example, can grow and this is spiritual empowerment. In the long-term, as we build on the insights and keep accumulating power, it is as though we are investing in a retirement plan. We are investing in such a way that we will begin to see a return on the investment. We have greater understanding of how spiritual relationships work and because there is clarity on how powerful karma or action is, we can fill each action with power based on this awareness. We become aware of the attitude behind each action. If, for example, I give a gift, but with love and powerful good wishes that the gift will be of help and serve the person well, then that seed of love will blossom in their hearts, and in some way, return to me. Anything done with a higher consciousness and with pure intentions will come back to me, over and over again.
A spiritual life is one of creating the power to find what I need within, with no need to depend on others for my own well-being. A life of study, contemplation, acquiring realisations, strengthening my awareness, and subsequently my attitude, all work towards a deep connection with the Supreme Soul. This connection is a game changer. The Ocean of Love and Peace and Happiness, the Supreme Source of spiritual energy, brings the soul into the experience of the unlimited. This serves as a nurturing element in all the spiritual process and will multiply the intensity of what I might do alone.
Eric Le Reste is a journalist and producer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, and coordinates the activities of Brahma Kumaris centres in Canada.
