Man wants to fly but he laments that he has no wings. To fly in that vastness of space is his primal desire. This primal desire is rooted as a primal seed that is deeply embedded in him. Man has no wings but he can fly and he has to fly with his own wings. […]


Man wants to fly but he laments that he has no wings. To fly in that vastness of space is his primal desire. This primal desire is rooted as a primal seed that is deeply embedded in him. Man has no wings but he can fly and he has to fly with his own wings. There is no mathematics or aeronautical engineering behind that. No outside religion is going to make you fly. You have to fly as who you are. You have to be one with your consciousness and existence. You are total existence yourself and you ought to be what you are and you will be what you ought to be. 

Yes, man has wings. Wings are of his consciousness. Man is to fly with wings of consciousness into the vastness of existence. In thoughts, man laments. Thoughts of religion that by following a particular religion one can have wings but that doesn’t lend you wings.

Religion is a personal flowering and has nothing to do with following. By following a religion, neither does that religion become yours nor do you become religious. Religion is the thought of those who defined organised religions. Definitions are defined by thoughts. When the author defines existence, his mind can’t explain existence but it can give an indication in thoughts about religion.

All religions are divided into two parts: those who believe God has a form (Aakar) and don’t (Niraakar). Mankind has fought thousands of wars to prove whether God is formless or not. But they fail to understand one thing that neither Buddha was a Buddhist nor Jesus was a Christian nor Mahavira was a Jain. Godhood dawned on them. Awakening (Buddhahood) dawned on Buddha. Not because Buddha was a Buddhist, thus, Buddhahood dawned on him. But the flowering of Godhood dawned on him by being one with his consciousness. As Buddha was completely aware, wakeful, and conscious of his existence and of his being to become one with the absolute.

But what do we do? We are not even conscious of our surroundings. We are fast asleep. And we think that we are religious. We are not conscious beings. Whatever that we see in this world, if we are fully awake, we will only meet God. If we see the world with our mind, we will find our same mind mirrored back onto us. Your mind is projected as the world. Mind is a part of the time and it mirrors itself. This is how we see this world. This is what we find the world is made of. We live fast asleep in the state of dreaming. The one who is asleep dreams. But a man sees dreams even during the day when he is ostensibly not sleeping. But that means man is sleeping only. We are asleep with the hope that one day we will wake up from slumber. In reality, the alchemy of sleep begins only when you will be able to wake up one day. But the mind doesn’t work by one’s real potentiality. Man has the infinite potentiality to wake up to be awakened but his mind is not ready. God is standing at the door. You don’t let God fill you up. God is raining but you don’t let the rain drench you.

Man lives in thoughts. Man thinks he is a good thinker. A thinker is mired in the web of thoughts who lives within the limitation of thoughts. Thus, thinker reaches nowhere. Thoughts arise as man is blind. And for a blind man, a thought arises as he has no eyes. The thought of going ahead. So he has a stick in his hand and he gropes in the darkness of his mind to see as if there is a way. Thought is a process of groping in the darkness of the mind. When you have eyes you can see.  When Buddha opened his eyes. He saw God. Buddha didn’t think of God, he saw God with his eyes. He lived God. He lived Godhood in its priceless. But he didn’t have any thoughts about opening of eyes to existence. Buddha told disciples who asked him but disciples who simply did not experience so they thought. After Buddha had gone, the disciples kept on thinking about what Buddha told them. Those who didn’t see, they thought what Buddha had told. So generations down further thought on Buddha’s words and they made them into scriptures and books. And today after 2500 years of Buddha, thoughts are continuing. What Buddha had told was divided. Every thought has become a cult. So what Buddha had told has not remained relevant but what the cult believes became relevant. This is true for all religions.

Man has one same energy, either employ it in thoughts by denying your existence and being fast asleep or employ it in your consciousness. Employing this energy into conscious existence flowers religion. Religion is not to be followed. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mahavira never followed any religion but religion flowered in them. Religion is a personal flowering, it does not happen to a group.When you sleep in the night, the dreams that you see are also your thoughts. Such thoughts that you are not able to think during the state of not sleeping. It is a psychological arrangement to make your mind feel everything is ok as man doesn’t understand beyond thoughts. Psychology is limited to thoughts but you are not limited to thoughts. Man is not a thought, he is much beyond thoughts. Thoughts are like bubbles. Thought is like a balloon that billows with your own breath and energy. Thought is an expression of a non-thing. It is not something but as I think it is something, thus, it is something but it is a non-thing. You may like to be a Buddha that is a thought. You wish to buy a Rolls Royce that is a thought. When you will have a Rolls Royce, your thought will instantly think that you should have a fleet of Rolls Royce as one is not enough. Thought is a lack of what you possess.  That which you already have thought unpossesses it to make you poorer by something that you don’t have. Like it makes you poorer by a Rolls Royce. Once you have Rolls Royce, it makes you poorer by a fleet of Rolls Royce. It doesn’t make you a king ever.

Thought is our not being in the being and we keep running after our own non-being. When we are not what we are, thought begins. It is a blind man’s stick. He thinks by his stick by groping what he can’t see. Thought is needed when you can’t see. Man thinks all progress has been done by thoughts but the author doesn’t agree. All progress is done by consciousness.  Thought emerges when you are not in the mind. Mind invents a proxy of your being. If you are sitting or relaxing, you are simply in the being. But if you are not in the being, then when your mind takes over you as a proxy of your being it will tell you why waste time, go play cricket. Do something. Go to Go and relax there. That is mind. The mind will not settle even if you become Alexander the Great. You will never be able to sleep and relax. Even if you have won over the entire earth, thought would say just one time winning over the earth is not enough. So thoughts are mind. If you are sleeping, then just sleep. If you are walking, then just walk. If you are eating, then just eat. If you have not eaten, you will dream of having food. Because your mind will carry out psychological proxy thought dream. Your dreams are the mirror of your life. Hindus call it  maya. 

 God is knocking at your door but you are carrying a blind man’s stick and thinking about thoughts of God written in books. So come to the real earth. Your consciousness is ready to lend you wings. Be ready to fly.

The author is a spiritual teacher.



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