Through our thoughts, we are either gaining power or losing it. With pure thoughts power is generated, and with impure thoughts, power is destroyed. Pure thoughts are those that express our spiritual personality. Impure thoughts are all the others. They have nothing to do with our truth.

Thought is the vehicle which takes us from non-spiritual self to our truth. Spiritual knowledge is like a sieve through which we can filter out the untrue. Running our thoughts through it constantly ensures that we are heading in the right direction.

When thoughts are brought into action, they can be seen immediately. When the mind is filled with virtues, they will be revealed in our actions.

By elevating our thoughts, we can literally end up purifying the self, inspiring others to do likewise. Our life will be the inspiration for them to change. There will not even be the need to say anything. Our vibrations of pure thought can reach out and touch the whole world. Our very life can do the work of a lighthouse.