When I am truthful… then I am powerful… then I am happy… and then I am carefree.
There is a strong correlation between truth and being happy and carefree. The one who has nothing to hide is free to express any emotion. The one who has a guilty conscience is apprehensive. It is indeed an art to be carefree when one has a huge responsibility on one’s shoulders. Normally we feel more carefree when we have set things in motion or put things in place. We feel organised and begin to feel carefree. However, the spiritual path demands that we be carefree even before we embark on any undertaking. This is true for short-term schemes as well as long-term goals.

We may do our best, in all our endeavours, but then the rest depends on karma (our soul accounts with people and places), and drama (the unfolding of events in terms of time and place). In fact, we always need to be mindful, that no matter how long we may spend on getting something right, whatever is meant to be will happen. It is no fault of ours. It is what is meant to be. We cannot dictate or control other people’s actions. We can only manage our own thoughts, words, actions and responses in situations.

How to remain carefree if I have a lot of work to do?
When I do whatever is needed with a good intention, then I just maintain the thought that, “I complete whatever is necessary”. When I practise meditation and silence, then I stop the wastage and worry of the mind, this way I can stay effective. Create the thought, “I have enough time for what I need to do.”   Never think that there is not enough time.

How to deal with awkward situations and people?
When we know a challenge is ahead, then we put in the time and effort to create a stable stage for ourselves before meeting those situations or people. Say to the self, “I have the soul power to deal with this.” This creates mental stability before the challenge arrives.

How to remain carefree if I have an interview?
If this job is for me, if it is meant to be, then I will get the job. However, if this job will not allow me to remain happy, secure, and is not good for my personal growth, then I must understand that God and the universe have a greater plan for me, but I will do my very best in the interview.

How to remain carefree if I have a conflict to resolve?
Remember that my nature is peace, and understand that any test that comes in front of me is simply a lesson and for learning. “This test (which is a lesson in disguise) has come to teach me something about myself”.

How to remain carefree if I have to give a public talk?
If I prepare and do the research needed for the talk, try and do some practice runs, then I just have to remain calm and do my best. I know that there will always be room for improvement, and when I see this as an opportunity for practice, then I will not worry. “I share from my heart and I will say what I need to say.”

How to remain calm when facing those people that trigger me?
Firstly, I need to understand that ‘I have a choice in what and how to think.’  They are triggering something in me for a reason, let me look at that. If it is painful, I sit with it an pass through it, and then it becomes a paper tiger. Nothing is ever as big as it seems or as important as it looks. I can take time out in meditation to reinforce this thought: “I am in charge of my own thoughts. I will decide what to think.”
Truth is synonymous with cheerfulness, bliss, joy, happiness, contentment, satisfaction, elation, enthusiasm and much more. The most beautiful truth is that I am a soul, a spiritual being, and I am eternal. With that awareness I can be constantly carefree.

Aruna Ladva is an author and Rajyoga meditation teacher based at the Global Retreat Centre, Oxford, UK.