Become a spiritual weight watcher

A wise man was asked, ‘What is anger?’ He replied, ‘It’s a punishment we give ourselves for thinking too much about somebody else’s mistakes.’ Do you believe it is possible to feel happy and fulfilled constantly? It is possible, but it requires paying attention within. Happiness is not determined by what is happening around us, […]

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Become a spiritual weight watcher

A wise man was asked, ‘What is anger?’ He replied, ‘It’s a punishment we give ourselves for thinking too much about somebody else’s mistakes.’

Do you believe it is possible to feel happy and fulfilled constantly? It is possible, but it requires paying attention within. Happiness is not determined by what is happening around us, but rather by what is happening inside us. Most people are searching for happiness outside of themselves. This is an illusion and can only lead to short-term, momentary feelings of happiness. Happiness is something we are. It is within and comes from the way we think. Happiness is a choice, not a result. No matter what happens, whether that is through the state of one’s own mind, through other souls, or through the elements or atmosphere, I must not lose my happiness. Happiness shows in our eyes and through our smile. Happiness is nourishment for the mind. Our treasures of happiness are within and are unlimited. The more we distribute that happiness, the more it increases.

Waste thoughts are the enemies of happiness; they finish off our good feelings. Thinking about our past mistakes and difficulties, or seeing and thinking about the defects of others, make the mind heavy and destroy our happiness. Overthinking depletes our energy, especially thinking too much about others; what they did, and what they should do, why they insulted me, why they spoke at all. Thinking too much is like eating too much. Thinking of small hurts and small worries gradually transforms them into huge things that we cannot let go of. This heaviness makes it impossible to remain light and flexible. Extra weight is hard to lose, so we can become spiritual weight watchers. The simplest way to remain happy is to remain constantly light. Have pure, peaceful thoughts; these types of thoughts are light. Waste, worried thoughts are heavy. Too many waste thoughts make us feel heavy, mentally unhappy, ‘overweight’, and physically tired.

So, if we stop ourselves from thinking wasteful thoughts, what do we think about instead? We have the power to create thoughts and speak words that give only peace and happiness, and we will feel and receive peace and happiness. Negative thoughts we think about others will only return to us. The world is filled with worry and sorrow. We can decide to think differently. We can make up our minds to be happy. Simply decide to start the day with a happy, peaceful thought and throughout the day, whatever happens, use that positive start as a foundation to add more peaceful and positive thoughts. Experience the benefits of meditation, the practice of focusing on pure, powerful thoughts; try choosing one pure thought and concentrating on it. The most elevated being to focus our mind on is God. First, consider yourself to be a soul, a being of spiritual light, a child of God, and connect your thoughts to the Supreme soul, God. Let your mind create a natural relationship with God and experience fulfilment. The more we practise this, the more peaceful, light, and relaxed we feel. We will find that being happy is the normal way to feel.

I choose to be happy because nothing else will make me happy until I do.
Chirya Risely is a Rajyoga meditation teacher, based at the Brahma Kumaris Peace Village Retreat Center, USA.
