Cheerfulness, peace or bliss , is the most natural condition of any mind. Watch a child, his mind does not project violence ,fear or any negative thought, see how gleefully he gurgles, shouts and screams in play as he runs around with his arms stretched out in sheer joy and abandonment. The sorrowful adults ‘allow’ this treasure of the calm peaceful mind to be looted by fearful negative thoughts, generated by their own imaginations that have sprung up from the conditioning of their own minds.
Happy or unhappy, honoured or insulted, sad or mad are the reactions of our own mind. Each mind reacts to the same situation in different ways depending on how we understand , misunderstand or interpret the situation. Why do martyrs go gladly to the gallows? They are facing death, but they are proud and happy to sacrifice their lives! On the other hand haven’t we all seen rich yet unhappy people? Have we not heard so often about celebrities committing suicides? How happy or sad I feel is determined by how I think. Most of us keep struggling to change the outer world situations because we feel that our joy depends on outer happenings. When we contact the world with positive thought energies we become choicelessly happy. It is a habit to cultivate. It comes with a little practice, but once you have learned the art , your cheerful mind radiates positivity and cheer wherever you go. Gurudev used to say that we can test our own spiritual growth by the energies we radiate. A pure mind lifts the despondency of whosoever it contacts whereas an impure mind full of anxieties and negative emotions repels people. A spiritually advanced person has a centripetal force around him, and a negative person displays a centrifugal force. Hoards of people are attracted to a saint and repelled by a depressive mind.
There is war, famine, fire, floods and pestilence in the world. There always was. But thanks to the electronic media, all these are now happening daily in your own family lounge. The buildings are collapsing, people are crying and dying, blood is spilling in your own house with your whole family watching ,while having dinner!! One has to alertly guard the boundaries of one’s own mind. Swami Chinmayananda Ji used to say that”constant alertness is the price you pay to keep the mind pure”. It is our own choice to sift out the garbage from entering our mind, for once it enters , it houses itself there for ever after. So also Satsang, positive , happy and cheerful thoughts when imbibed, remain in the mind and cultivate a garden of joy and cheer, not only for your inner world but even for the world around. We take ourselves and the world too seriously. Gurudev Pujya Chinmayananda Ji said, “Whenever you are praised or insulted, redirect the envelop straightaway to Him, it is His glory and His insult. Who are you to claim it?” Keep the invaders out , defend your territory, a pure and cheerful mind is your most prized possession, guard it .
The Ancient Greek symbol of wisdom, Socrates, was once sitting amongst his students and teaching, when suddenly his cantankerous angry wife barged in and started abusing him loudly and insulting him. Socrates remained calm and silent. Then she went in and got a bucket of cold water and emptied it on his head ! Now , that would have stung any man’s ego to react with anger but the wise Socrates smiled and commented to his students,” See, there is always a shower after a thunderstorm!” He ‘chose’ to laugh and make others laugh!

Prarthna Saran, President Chinmaya Mission Delhi.