Neighboring leaders from neighboring nations and the Indian Ocean region are poised to gather as distinguished guests at the eagerly awaited ceremony where BJP leader Narendra Modi will take oath as India’s Prime Minister on Sunday evening. This marks Modi’s third consecutive term, a feat equaling that of Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister.”
The presence of leaders from Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Nepal, and Bhutan underscores India’s unwavering commitment to its ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy and the visionary ‘SAGAR’ initiative. Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina and Vice President of Seychelles, Ahmed Afif arrived yesterday, while others are expected to arrive today.
Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony, scheduled for 7:15 pm, carries significant diplomatic weight, emphasizing India’s strategic partnerships in the region. The Ministry of External Affairs highlighted the event’s importance, affirming its alignment with India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ policy and ‘SAGAR’ vision.
After the ceremony, President Droupadi Murmu will host a banquet at Rashtrapati Bhavan for the dignitaries. Despite speculations regarding the venue, the oath-taking ceremony will take place at Rashtrapati Bhavan due to ongoing weather conditions.
Over 8,000 guests, including laborers, lawyers, doctors, artists, cultural performers, and influencers, are expected to attend, showcasing India’s diverse social fabric. The event necessitated extensive preparations, including deployment of 1,100 traffic police personnel to manage traffic movement.
PM Modi’s invitations to neighboring leaders reflect India’s ongoing efforts to foster regional cooperation. Before the ceremony, PM Modi met President Droupadi Murmu to stake his claim to form the NDA government under his leadership, which was formally endorsed by crucial allies like the Telugu Desam Party and the Janata Dal.
The NDA holds a strong position in the Lok Sabha, commanding 293 MPs out of 543, with the BJP securing the largest share of 240 seats. This inauguration is attended by leaders like Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu, who arrived today, expressing his commitment to strengthen bilateral ties with India.
President Muizzu’s visit marks his first official trip to India since assuming office, underscoring the importance of India-Maldives relations. Other foreign leaders attending include those from Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Bangladesh, Mauritius, Nepal, and Bhutan, symbolizing the regional significance of Modi’s third term inauguration.
The ceremony represents not only a milestone in Indian politics but also a testament to India’s enduring commitment to fostering strong ties with its neighbors and promoting regional stability and prosperity.
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