Amidst his ongoing battle with cancer and internal tensions within the Royal family, King Charles recently resumed his duties on April 30 and even hosted two garden parties at Buckingham Palace. However, both the monarch and Prince William have abruptly cancelled all upcoming engagements after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak surprisingly announced general elections on July 4.

In a statement, Buckingham Palace announced that both the King and his son William would likely continue to postpone scheduled engagements “which may appear to divert attention or distract from the election campaign.” This decision aligns with the common practice of adjusting schedules during election campaigns to keep public attention focused on the electoral process.

Buckingham Palace also extended apologies to the public and those involved in the rescheduled activities. “Their Majesties send their sincere apologies to any of those who may be affected as a result,” the statement read.

While this year’s Trooping the Colour is scheduled for June 15, it remains uncertain whether the ceremony’s date will change. However, Queen Camilla and Charles’ travel plans to Normandy, France, for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings are reportedly unaffected.

Additionally, Prince William expressed regret for the cancellation of his appointments, with Kensington Palace stating, “We look forward to rescheduling in the future and are extremely sorry to anyone who has already traveled,” according to Hello.

With the sudden change in schedules, Prince William is expected to have “more than a month of family time,” according to Newsweek. This pause offers a significant opportunity for family bonding, though it may be frustrating for Charles, who was just getting back into his routine after his health challenges.

This development comes amidst challenging times for the royal family, as both Charles and Kate Middleton are battling cancer and have scaled back their public appearances in recent months. Charles was diagnosed with an unspecified cancer during a routine hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement in February, while Kate continues to recover from abdominal surgery in January and has not yet resumed her royal duties.