Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni on Wednesday honoured Satnam Singh, an Indian farm worker who recently passed away after his employer left him on the road following a severe injury. “These are inhumane acts that do not belong to the Italian people. I hope this barbarity will be punished harshly,” she said. Addressing the Chamber of Deputies in Rome, Meloni asserted, “Gangmastering is a plague, far from being defeated, but we do not intend to stop fighting it.”

Tragic Death of Satnam Singh

Last week, Satnam Singh, an Indian farm worker employed illegally at a farm in Italy’s Lazio region, suffered a fatal accident while at work. According to reports, the 31-year-old’s arm was severed while he was operating a plastic wrapping machine at the farm owned by Antonello Lovato. Additionally, his legs were crushed in the accident.

Following the incident, Lovato allegedly loaded Singh into a van and abandoned him by the side of a road near his home, with his severed arm placed in a fruit crate. Singh’s wife, Sony, called for help, leading to his airlift to Rome. Unfortunately, Singh succumbed to his injuries two days later.