Four American university instructors of Cornell College were stabbed during China’s visit at public park. Thus, sustaining injuries announced US officials.
On Monday, the instructors from Iowa College, along with faculty members from partner institutions Beihua University, were hanging out at public park when they sustained injuries ‘in a serious incident.’ recounted college’s president Jonathan Brand.
Further, the president announced, they are currently in contact with all the four instructors and are providing them required assistance.
This incident took place in the northeastern Chinese city of Jilin. Meanwhile, the US state department is currently observing the situation, but has refrained itself from commenting further. So far, Chinese establishment has not issued any statement yet.
However, Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds are currently in touch with its fedral delegation and state department.
‘I am in touch with Iowa’s federal delegation and the state department in response to this horrifying attack. Please pray for their full recovery, safe return, and their families here at home.’
Moreover, the Iowa senator also issued similar statement saying, ‘We are in touch with the college and the State Department and stand ready to further assist these Iowans. Praying for a speedy recovery for all’.
But the details on victim’s condition is currently unclear and it is also a mystery whether it was a random attack or targeted one.
Currently in Chinese social media, the video is doing the rounds, where three people were on ground, with bystanders watching on the background. In this video, one was drenched in blood, while another seemed to be using his hand to contain the bleeding from his wound. All three were using their mobile phones.