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The crisis we face today is of consciousness. To overcome this crisis, we are increasingly being encouraged to tap into the spiritual power of Shakti. In Rajyoga, Shakti is considered to be the feminine power of God — a strength that is received from a Supreme Source through connection and relationship. Shakti is a power […]

The crisis we face today is of consciousness. To overcome this crisis, we are increasingly being encouraged to tap into the spiritual power of Shakti.

In Rajyoga, Shakti is considered to be the feminine power of God — a strength that is received from a Supreme Source through connection and relationship. Shakti is a power that is accessed by the souls in both women and men.

Shakti is deeply respected; it is accumulated through spiritual endeavours; and it is said to bring about subtle shifts that help us to move through pain, grief, crisis, and chaos; it helps us to live with ease and grace.

Shakti is sourced with the aim of becoming empowered. It is also recognised as the power to remove from the subconscious the root causes of all evils — lust, anger, ego, greed, and attachment.

The more we anchor ourselves in Shakti and activate the living system of the soul, the more we will experience our core strengths.

Shakti manifests three essential capacities of higher consciousness: pure thoughts, good wishes (pure feelings), and seeing with love (language of the eyes).

Leadership of any endeavour, which is based on these essentials and acquired through a connection and relationship with the Supreme Source, is collaborative, compassionate and empowered.

Collaborative leadership builds trust and, with the power of Shakti, sharpens the soft spiritual skills of awareness, attitude, nature and behaviour.

Compassionate leadership inspires and guides from the heart, and with pure feelings, uplifts others with good wishes. Empowered leadership connects to the power of Shakti and lets this truth be expressed and seen through the language of the eyes. Seeing with love is a transformative act, and has the capacity to bring forth the world we want to live in through divine insight.

If we are looking at where and how best to serve the world, or asking what my purpose is, what I am here to give, then nothing could be a more powerful answer, than connecting to the strength received from the Supreme Source of the feminine power of God, Shakti, and employing it in all aspects of our life, and most especially in leadership.

Gayatri Naraine represents the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations in New York.

