During an event in Lucknow, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath criticized leaders of the Samajwadi Party. He accused Akhilesh Yadav and his uncle Shivpal Yadav of being involved in corrupt activities during government hiring processes before 2017. Yogi Adityanath referred to them as ‘uncle-nephew’ (chacha-bhatija) in his speech, alleging they didn’t follow fair practices during recruitments.
The Chief Minister made these claims while distributing appointment letters to 7,720 newly selected lekhpals through the UP-Subordinate Services Selection Commission. He emphasized the importance of fair hiring to maintain trust and ensure good governance.
Yogi Adityanath said, “The ‘uncle-nephew’ duo were involved in corruption before 2017 during government hiring.” He also mentioned that the state government is working to fill an additional 4,700 positions to strengthen administration in Uttar Pradesh.
These allegations have sparked political tensions in the state, with the Samajwadi Party expected to respond soon. The accusations come as Uttar Pradesh prepares for elections, making these claims and responses very important.
Yogi Adityanath’s comments show the growing tension between political opponents as the state prepares for upcoming challenges. Allegations of corruption in government hiring processes before 2017 bring up issues of how the state is run and who is responsible.
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