Yogi Adityanath and Arvind Kejriwal engaged in a heated exchange, with the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister calling Delhi a “garbage dump” and accusing the AAP government of failing to provide essential services. Adityanath alleged that Kejriwal had turned the holy Yamuna river into a “dirty drain,” labeling it a “sin.” He challenged him to take a dip in the Yamuna with his ministers, stating, “Yesterday, I along with all my ministers took a holy dip at the Sangam in Prayagraj… I want to ask Kejriwal whether he can bathe in the Yamuna in Delhi along with his ministers.”

Kejriwal quickly retaliated, criticizing Adityanath’s governance in Uttar Pradesh, particularly the condition of government schools. He remarked, “His government has been in power for more than 10 years, he has not been able to fix the government schools.” Offering help, Kejriwal said, “We will teach Uttar Pradesh how to fix government schools,” and pointed out that the BJP, which Adityanath represents, has a poor track record in all 20 states under its rule.

This verbal clash comes ahead of the Delhi Assembly polls scheduled for February 5. Adityanath’s rally in Delhi was seen as an effort to bolster the BJP’s prospects in the election. However, Kejriwal’s sharp rebuttal signals that the AAP is prepared to counter BJP’s criticisms.

Adityanath’s comments on Delhi’s infrastructure and services also highlighted the contrasts between the two states. While Delhi grapples with issues such as pollution, poor roads, and inadequate public services, Uttar Pradesh faces similar, if not more significant, challenges.