In a shocking turn of events at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) on Thursday, the screening of ‘The Sabarmati Report’, a film depicting the Gujarat Godhra incident, was violently disrupted by alleged stone pelting and vehement protests from certain student factions. The Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the event’s organizer, reported that the chaos erupted midway through the screening at the Sabarmati Dhaba, plunging the gathering into turmoil.

According to ABVP, unidentified assailants launched stones at the unsuspecting audience, inciting widespread panic and forcing an abrupt cancellation of the event. The group has pointed fingers at left-leaning students on campus, accusing them of orchestrating the attack. The situation escalated further as posters promoting the film were torn down, and vociferous slogans opposing the screening reverberated through the venue.

In a scathing statement, ABVP JNU denounced the incident as a “cowardly assault on freedom of expression, dialogue, and democratic values.” The RSS-affiliated organization asserted that the film was intended to spark discussions on topics allegedly suppressed by the nation’s “intellectual elites.” They declared, “This barbaric act is not just an attack on individuals but on the principles of free speech and thought. It reflects the intolerance of certain anti-Bharat, anti-Hindu forces within the campus who cannot tolerate the resurgence of truth and righteousness.”

Rajeshwar Kant Dubey, President of ABVP-JNU, expressed his outrage, stating, “Today, we have organised the screening of the film ‘The Sabarmati Report’. PM Modi has also watched this movie and its screening has been tax-free in many states. It depicts the incident of Sabarmati Express where 59 Karsevaks were burnt alive…Earlier also, we have screened such movies.”

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The university administration has remained conspicuously silent, offering no response to the incident thus far. This violent episode has reignited fierce debates on freedom of expression and the deepening ideological rifts within educational institutions. The campus remains tense as students and faculty grapple with the implications of such brazen attacks on democratic values and the sanctity of free discourse.