Addressing a public meeting in Yamunanagar’s Sadhaura, Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, claimed that her husband has transformed Delhi and Punjab and now aims to bring change to Haryana. She highlighted the achievements of the AAP government and promised similar improvements in Haryana if her party is voted to power.

Achievements in Delhi and Punjab
Sunita Kejriwal emphasized the significant changes her husband has made in Delhi and Punjab. “People all over the world know Kejriwal by his works. He improved the condition of government schools, set up mohalla clinics and hospitals providing free treatment, and made electricity free,” she said.

Local Issues in Sadhaura
Addressing local issues, Sunita pointed out the lack of a government college in Sadhaura, rampant illegal mining, and poor road conditions. She promised that if AAP comes to power, they would address these issues and more.

Promises for Haryana
Sunita Kejriwal made several promises to the people of Haryana:

  • Jobs for the unemployed
  • Free electricity
  • 24/7 electricity supply
  • Mohalla clinics for accessible healthcare
  • ₹1,000 per month for each woman

With the support of party’s state president Dr. Sushil Gupta, senior vice-president Anurag Dhanda, and other leaders, Sunita Kejriwal urged the people of Haryana to vote for AAP and bring about the same positive changes seen in Delhi and Punjab.