Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) announced its candidates for six Lok Sabha seats across the country, on Monday. Mohinder Singh Kaypee has been nominated for the Jalandhar constituency, Harsimrat Kaur Badal for Bathinda, S Sohan Singh Thandal for Hoshiarpur, S Nardev Singh “Bobby” Mann for Ferozepur, S Ranjit Singh Dhillon for Ludhiana, and Hardeep Singh Saini “Buttrela” for Chandigarh.
Taking to social media platform X, President of SAD Sukhbir Singh Badal wrote, “The party ticket for the Khadoor Sahib constituency will be announced shortly. I’m sure all party candidates will make us proud. I wish them all success.”
Earlier in the day, he warmly welcomed former Punjab Pradesh Congress president and former Member of Parliament Mohinder Singh Kaypee into the Shiromani Akali Dal.
“Kaypee ji, who is also a three-time MLA, is known as an upright man who has made an immense contribution to civil society as well as the Dalit Samaj. The Akali Dal will be strengthened in the entire Doaba region. I’m sure he will be a worthy candidate for the Jalandhar (reserved) seat,” he said.
Meanwhile, lashing out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said, “PM should never have made statements that spread communal hatred, mutual suspicion and venom among people of our own country. India belongs equally to Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Christians and others.”
He further slammed the Bharatiya Janata Party, saying, “The PM and BJP must learn from Sardar Parkash Singh Badal how to ensure peace and communal harmony. Badal sahib used to personally honour and celebrate religious events and occasions of every community. This country belongs to all of us. Everyone must respect this fact.”
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