Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra accused the Narendra Modi-led Central government of failing to support the people of Himachal Pradesh during the crisis that struck the Himalayan state last year after the monsoon. She stated that no special package was announced for the families affected by the disaster or for the reconstruction efforts in the state.

“In 2022, the people of Himachal Pradesh elected a truthful and honest government. Similarly, they should elect an honest government at the Centre. Despite numerous challenges, the state government is dedicated to serving the people of Himachal,” Vadra told reporters in Chamba.

She emphasized that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led central government did not provide any assistance or announce a special relief package for the disaster-stricken people of the state. “All leaders were in Himachal when the monsoon disaster occurred. PM Modi and the central government did not extend any aid. Whatever assistance was expected has also been withheld. The public should understand their intentions and also recognize our intentions. Please elect an honest government at the Centre as well,” she added.

Earlier on Friday, PM Modi accused the Congress government in Himachal Pradesh of selectively distributing central aid meant for victims of last year’s floods and vowed to investigate the matter once he returns to power.

Last year, Himachal Pradesh faced extensive devastation due to heavy rainfall and flooding, leading to numerous landslides that blocked roads and highways, leaving many stranded.

Polling for all four seats in Himachal is scheduled for June 1. It will not only involve candidates competing for Lok Sabha membership from the four seats but also elect members for six assembly seats that became vacant following the resignation and defection of dissident Congress lawmakers.

The BJP, which secured victory in all four Lok Sabha constituencies in the state in the 2019 elections, is aiming for a repeat performance this time.