Before the fourth phase of Lok Sabha elections, Indian National Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge remarked on Saturday that Prime Minister Narendra Modi will encounter challenges in forming the government. He stated that there is widespread disappointment among the people regarding the central government’s handling of escalating unemployment and inflation.

While addressing a press conference in Bihar’s Patna, Mallikarjun Kharge said, “I was campaigning in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh yesterday and I am delighted to say that it is extremely difficult for Modi ji to form the government.”

He added further, “On one hand, there was my public meeting and on the other hand was his (Prime Minister Narendra Modi) public meeting in Telangana. After seeing him, it seemed that the hubris and pride with which he speaks were missing…”

Kharge also took a dig at the central government, asserting that the public harbors anger toward the government and said, “There is a huge anger in the public against the central government. This anger is because of the rising unemployment and inflation. The people are not able to stand under the burden of unemployment and inflation.”

The day prior, Mallikarjun Kharge had criticized the BJP government, alleging its failure to safeguard the rights and welfare of the impoverished populace in the nation. He affirmed that the Congress party would endeavor to “strengthen” labor laws designed to support the unorganized sector.

During a press briefing in Telangana, Kharge underscored the party’s electoral pledges, affirming that the Congress would additionally guarantee 50 percent reservations for women in central government positions.

“We are giving the guarantee of apprenticeship to the youth. We will also provide those 30 lakh vacant posts in government to the youth… We will give 50 per cent reservation to women in government jobs… will work to strengthen the labour laws for the unorganized workers. This Modi government is only for the rich people. It does not work for the poor,” he said.

Significantly, the 40 seats in Bihar are undergoing polling across all seven phases. In the 2019 elections, the BJP-led NDA secured a landslide victory in the state, clinching 39 out of 40 seats, with the Congress managing to secure just one seat. Despite being a dominant force in the state, the RJD failed to secure any seats.