Following her replacement as the BJP candidate for the Bhopal Lok Sabha seat, Pragya Singh Thakur, a controversial figure, revealed that she had apologized to Prime Minister Narendra Modi shortly after her controversial statement about Nathuram Godse in 2019. She clarified that she has never actively sought a ticket for elections and is ready to comply with any instructions from the party.
Pragya Thakur, a key figure in the 2008 Malegaon blast case, secured a seat in the Lok Sabha from Bhopal during the 2019 general elections. Her remark characterizing Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin, Nathuram Godse, as a “patriot” sparked considerable controversy, leading to her issuing an apology. While Prime Minister Modi acknowledged her apology, he expressed that he would not forget her statements.
In the recent candidate list released by the BJP, Pragya Thakur has been replaced in Bhopal, with sources suggesting that provocative statements by leaders like her contradict the party’s image. The decision to withhold tickets from such candidates is viewed as a message stressing the importance of maintaining decorum in public life.
In response to the party’s decision, Thakur extended her best wishes to Alok Sharma, the new candidate for Bhopal, and affirmed her support for the party. She clarified that her previous remarks were not intended to harm the Prime Minister and acknowledged their exploitation by the opposition to target the party. Thakur underscored her commitment to truthfulness in politics and pledged her support for Alok Sharma’s candidacy.
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