West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has accused the Left and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), referred to as “Ram,” of collaborating to create unrest in the state. The Chief Minister made this claim following the vandalism at RG Kar Hospital in Kolkata on Wednesday.

“Both the Left and Ram are conspiring to destabilize Bengal,” Banerjee stated, addressing the recent chaos at the hospital. She further alleged that the individuals responsible for the disturbance were affiliated with the BJP and were not part of the student movement at RG Kar Medical College.

Banerjee asserted, “Those who caused havoc at RG Kar Hospital yesterday are not connected to the student movement. They are outsiders, and I have seen multiple videos, three to be precise, where some individuals are waving national flags, identifying them as BJP members, while others from DYFI are holding white and red flags.”

The incident on Wednesday night saw a mob storm the RG Kar Hospital campus, causing extensive damage to the protest site, vehicles, and public property. Security personnel eventually had to step in to disperse the crowd.

The Chief Minister also lauded the police for showing restraint during the incident. “The police were attacked yesterday, including a Deputy Commissioner (DC) and two Officer-in-Charges (OCs). They were missing for an hour and were later found unconscious, with blood pouring from their heads. I informed the police at 3 am and had them taken to Apollo Hospital. I commend them for maintaining patience and not harming anyone,” Banerjee said.

Banerjee also noted that the investigation into the incident has been taken over by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). “The case is now in the hands of the CBI. If you have anything to say, speak to them. We have no objections,” she added.

Regarding the ongoing RK Kar rape and murder case, Mamata Banerjee reiterated her stance on the death penalty as the only suitable punishment for such a heinous crime. She emphasized that while the guilty must be hanged to set an example, no innocent person should be wrongfully punished.

“This is a grave crime, and the only appropriate punishment is hanging the accused. Only then will people learn a lesson, but it is crucial that no innocent person suffers,” the West Bengal Chief Minister remarked.

The controversy began on August 9, when a post-graduate trainee doctor was discovered dead in the seminar hall of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. The victim’s family has alleged that she was raped and murdered, sparking nationwide protests by doctors and medical professionals.