Congress chief Mallikarjun Kharge has launched a scathing attack on Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar, accusing him of “persistently heckling” the opposition and suppressing their freedom of expression. Kharge, who is the leader of opposition in Rajya Sabha, claimed that Dhankhar’s actions have made it difficult for opposition members to express their opinions in the House.

“Muzzling of Opposition’s Right to Speak”

Kharge alleged that Dhankhar “routinely directs arbitrary, mala fide expunging of critical portions of speeches by opposition members, including the leader of opposition”. He also claimed that Dhankhar repeatedly criticizes opposition leaders outside the House, often echoing the ruling party’s (BJP) arguments. “Muzzling of opposition’s ‘right to speak’, ‘expression of opinion’ in Rajya Sabha has become the norm,” Kharge was quoted as saying by media. 

Ruckus in Rajya Sabha Over No-Trust Notice

The Rajya Sabha witnessed a huge ruckus on Thursday as the treasury and opposition benches traded charges over a no-trust notice against Dhankhar. The BJP linked the Congress to US billionaire investor George Soros, with party chief JP Nadda asking, “What is the relationship between Sonia Gandhi and Soros? The country wants to know.” The Congress MPs accused Dhankhar of “encouraging reckless allegations” rather than containing them.

Kharge told the Chair, “House is not in order. They are making reckless allegations. You are listening and encouraging… Democracy runs on two wheels – one is the opposition party, other is the ruling party, and you are the umpire. But if you take one-sided decisions, it is a setback for the country and democracy…”

Trinamool Congress (TMC) Rajya Sabha MP Sagarika Ghose submitted a privilege motion notice against parliamentary affairs minister Kiren Rijiju, accusing him of making derogatory remarks against opposition leaders in the Upper House. The move comes after Rijiju, addressing opposition members on Wednesday, said, “If you cannot respect the chair, you have no right to be a member of this House.” Rijiju’s comments were made amid criticism from opposition leaders targeting Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar.