Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah is under scrutiny following a Special Court in Bengaluru’s order for a Lokayukta investigation into his alleged involvement in the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA) land allotment scam. This development comes after the Karnataka High Court dismissed Siddaramaiah’s petition challenging the Governor’s sanction to investigate the case.

The allegations center on the illegal allocation of 14 prime land sites by MUDA, valued at around ₹56 crore, to Siddaramaiah’s wife, Parvathi. The case claims that MUDA manipulated land records, allegedly benefiting the Chief Minister’s family. The High Court noted that such favorable allotments would not have been possible without Siddaramaiah’s political influence. The court emphasized the need for an inquiry, suggesting possible abuse of power.

Siddaramaiah, however, remains defiant. In a statement posted on social media, he expressed his willingness to cooperate with the investigation, declaring he has nothing to hide and labeling the accusations as politically motivated. He reiterated that he would face the legal battle head-on after consulting with legal experts​..

The order for investigation was initiated by a complaint from social activist Snehamayi Krishna, who accused the Chief Minister of unfair practices in allotting valuable plots to his wife. The Mysuru district Lokayukta police will now lead the inquiry, with a report expected in three months.

Despite mounting pressure from the opposition, particularly the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which has called for his resignation to ensure a fair probe, Siddaramaiah refuses to step down​.

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This case has significant political implications for Siddaramaiah, especially as he seeks to maintain a stronghold on Karnataka’s political landscape. While the legal process unfolds, the allegations have intensified political rivalries in the state.