On Friday, Congress General Secretary Jairam Ramesh filed a Privilege Motion notice in the Rajya Sabha against Union Home Minister Amit Shah, challenging his claims regarding early warnings about the Wayanad landslides.

In his letter, Ramesh stated, “During a discussion on the Wayanad landslides in the Rajya Sabha on July 31, the Union Home Minister made several assertions about early warning systems and how the Kerala government allegedly failed to act on alerts issued by the Union Government before the disaster. These claims have been extensively fact-checked by the media.”

Ramesh argued, “It is evident that the Union Home Minister misled the Rajya Sabha with his definitive statements regarding early warnings from the Union government, which have been proven false. Misleading the House by a minister or member constitutes a breach of privilege and contempt of the House.”

On Wednesday, Amit Shah had claimed that the Kerala government could have reduced the damage from the landslides in Wayanad if they had heeded the Central government’s warning about potential landslides and threats to lives. Shah emphasized that regardless of party politics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government stands with the people of Kerala.

In his Rajya Sabha address, Shah said, “An early warning was issued, which is why we dispatched nine NDRF teams on July 23, with three additional teams sent the following day. Had the Kerala government acted promptly upon the arrival of these NDRF teams, many lives could have been saved. However, this is a time to support both the government and the people of Kerala. Regardless of party affiliations, the Narendra Modi government will stand with the people of Kerala.”

Shah also mentioned that the Central government had sent early warnings to the Kerala government seven days before the incident, followed by additional alerts on July 24, 25, and 26.

In related developments, the Indian Army successfully rescued four people from the rubble in Wayanad, including two men and two women. The rescue operation, conducted with meticulous care, took place in Padavetti Kunnu in Wayanad.

Kerala Health Minister Veena George reported today that the landslides on July 30 resulted in 308 confirmed deaths. The recovery effort has thus far retrieved 195 bodies and 113 body parts.